Dad son gay sex story

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My Son's First Time is a 13,000-word short story. The games escalate until it's no longer a game, and Rick is afraid that soon he won't be able to hold back on that hard line no father should cross…that soon, he'll be instructing Colin on those lessons about his body he's been ignoring for far too long… But despite his best efforts, a different hardness comes between them, a hardness that leads to Rick not thinking straight.

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Rick struggles to maintain that hard line between father and son. Example: I hereby submit my gay, erotic fiction to the. They play their usual pool games, but Colin takes it a step further, demanding certain closeness and body touches from his father. If you wish to send Daddy/Son stories, they must be original and written by you. On a hot summer day, the kind of day where Rick and Colin would spend the afternoon lounging by the backyard pool, Colin seems different somehow. But more concerning, Rick is sure that Colin is inexperienced in certain ways of sex, and even self-pleasure. Having failed calculus twice, he's still in high school. Though Colin's an adult now, in many ways he's still rather juvenile. The son is angry about this, and receives advice from. A father tells his son that he's gay, and that's why he and the son's mother divorced. Rick is a single dad and is concerned about his son Colin. What Would You Do: Father comes out as gay to his son.

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